Member Bodies
- Albany Orchid Society
- Australasian Native Orchid Society of WA
- Bunbury Orchid Society
- Busselton & Districts Orchid Society
- Cymbidium Orchid Club of WA
- Geraldton Orchid Society
- Mandurah Districts Orchid Club
- Northern Districts Orchid Society
- Orchid Society of WA
- Paphiopedilum Study Group
- Peel Region Orchid Society
- South Eastern Orchid Society
- Species Orchid Society of WA
- Wanneroo-Joondalup Orchid Society
Objects of the Association
The purpose of Orchids WA is the promotion, support and encouragement of orchid events and orchid culture throughout Western Australia. As the umbrella body for Western Australian orchid societies, clubs and bodies, it:
- identifies and promotes ways of increasing personal membership of orchid societies, clubs and bodies through equitable and inclusive practices that provide opportunities for participation at all levels in orchid culture, and formulates, carries out and encourages initiatives for the enhancement of orchid culture.
- devises, plans and hosts major local, national and international orchid events for the benefit of Members and the general public to improve the understanding and application of progressive orchid culture;
- provides financial and other in-kind support to assist and encourage Member participation in major orchid events, including as appropriate:
(a) payment of prize money; and,
(b) reimbursement of approved expenditure incurred by Members in
pursuit of these objects; and
(c) other financial incentives as approved from time-to-time; - receives and disseminates information relating to orchid culture, and promotes and encourages co-operation and the free exchange of information and ideas between Members;
- promotes the interests of orchid growers, Western Australian Members, and the Australian Orchid Council Inc.;
- promotes and supports the objects of the Australian Orchid Foundation;
- provides area representation to the AOC and AOC Board of Management;
- encourages, supports and promotes conservation of the natural environment, flora and fauna, particularly native orchids and their habitat;
- applies the income and property of Orchids WA solely towards the promotion of these objects. No part of this income or property may be paid or otherwise distributed directly or indirectly to any Member of the Association, other than to further the achievement of these objects; and
- provides a forum for Members to discuss proposed dates for individual society and joint shows and events, and any other event in which Orchids WA and its Members may be involved, and to develop a calendar for publication on the Orchids WA website.